
CEF of Montana Internship 2024

A CEF of Montana Internship will provide you with a work environment alongside other Christian young people. While participating in this internship you will learn organizational and leadership skills and will be given opportunities to disciple and train teens. You will learn how God has wired you to do ministry, build strong new friendships, and have plenty of opportunities to explore Montana.


CEF of Montana internship will give you the opportunity to explore how God has created you!  You will have involvement with a variety of ministry aspects.


CEF of Montana will provide a work environment for Christian college students or college age young people that will give them experience in organization, promotion, leadership, discipleship and training. Interns will lead teams of teenagers to put on a high octane VBS for churches throughout the state of Montana!


What an enjoyable way to spend a summer! Learning more about how God has wired you for ministry, gaining experience that God will use regarding your future, being part of a proven fruitful ministry, building strong new friendships and having a great time doing all this! Did I mention being able to enjoy Montana in the summer?

Internship training will take place on May 28, 2023-June 10, 2023. During this training you will learn how to lead a CEF VBS (Vacation Bible School) and participate in leadership and ministry training.

You will also be asked to attend Christian Youth in Action training on June 9, 2023-June 22, 2023. During these two weeks you will build relationships with the teens you will be leading on teams throughout the summer.

During our six weeks of summer ministry, you will lead a team of 2-4 teens to churches in Montana. Theses churches have asked CEF of Montana to help them put on a VBS.

Please let Chris Peabody know as soon as you can that you intend to participate.


If you need more information please contact CEF of Montana for more information!

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